Sunday, May 18, 2008

Kicker iK500 Powered iPod Speaker System

I like to listen to music but at home, I often find myself without it. It's not for a lack of trying, but I don't generally carry my iPod as I'm doing chores around the house and the music collection on my computer can't really be carried around. The big stereo in the living room sounds great, but once again, I'm stuck with playing music there and I might be working in a different part of the house.

That's why I've always been interested in a speaker dock for my iPod. I've tried the cheap ones before and they haven't sounded that good. Most of them have ended up in the garbage or have been relegated to a dusty shelf.

That's why I was excited when I got my hands on the Kicker iK500. I figured I had a shot at getting some good sounding music out of it and I could have it play my entire music collection that's on my iPod.

Read my full review of the iK500 Powered iPod Speaker System from Kicker on Epinions

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